The Name

The name yoseikan has many different meanings that all convey the philosophy of both Minoru and Hiroo Mochizuki. The literal translation is “the place where what is true (or right) is taught” or to make more sense to the western mind, “the way that works best”. Yoseikan is a personal experience that may not be the same for each practitioner.

A more broken down meaning would be as follows:

  • YO: Education, food for the soul.
  • SEI: Righteousness
  • KAN: School
  • BU: Searching for peace
  • DO: The way

The Symbol

Circle: Perfection. The circle is interrupted by the bottom tip of the mountain symbolising that it is impossible to achieve perfection therefore it is important to remain modest and humble.

The mountain: Being grounded, solid and strong. There are many paths to the top of the mountain and each person must follow their own path.

The River: (Zigzag at the bottom of the mountain). Represents the ever changing directions of life itself and the many situations that can be experienced by each individual.

The Red: Air, Oxygen, Light

The Blue: Water, Suppleness, Calm, Adaptation, Hope.

The White: (In the mountain) Earth, Honesty, Clarity

The Outfit (Gi)

JACKET: Dark Blue, Yin (IN) negative, defence, deflect, absorb, feel, sensitive, soft

TROUSERS: White with blue strips, Yang (YO) positive, offense, power, hard, strong

BELT: White and blue, symbolises the wave. Everybody from the novice to the expert wears the same belt so there is no visual difference. This forces the practitioners to focus on their own self, their weaknesses. The technical ability of a person is only realised when training with them. Technical ability is not necessary proportional to moral value and vice versa.